A bunch of handy classes doing one job to customize elements on the fly.
Loop provides flexible utilities to assist you during your development. Extend them, set your own needs by adjusting the Loop config with the correct format.
# Format
A utility follows a specific map format being passed to the config.
Name prefixing each values - (default grabbing the first part of the name of the map)property
CSS property to change - (default turning the name of the map into a kebab-case CSS property)values
CSS values for the targetted CSS propertyimportant
Add the !important flag - (default to true)screens
Targetted responsive screens, global or specific - (defaulft empty)
The generated class will be created from .(prefix | namePart1)-valueName
# Custom Utilities
Following the appropriate map format create your own utitlies via the proterty utilities of the Loop config.
$ooLoop: ooAdd('utilities', (
borderRadius: (
prefix: 'radius',
values: (
'small': .5rem,
'large': 1.5rem,
textDecoration: (
values: (
display: (
prefix: 'd',
values: (
'block': block
'flex': flex,
'iflex': inline-flex,
valign: (
property: 'vertical-align',
values: (
important: false,
/** It will generate **/
.radius-small { border-radius: .5rem !important }
.radius-large { border-radius: 1.5rem !important }
.text-underline { text-decoration: underline !important }
.text-overline { text-decoration: overline !important }
.d-block { display: block !important }
.d-flex { display: flex !important }
.d-iflex { display: inline-flex !important }
.valign-top { vertical-align: top }
.valign-middle { vertical-align: middle }
# Responsive utilities
The screens propertity can be used to set global responsive rules to apply to all listed values.prefix-valueName@screenName
@include ooCreate((
utilities: (
borderRadius: (
prefix: 'radius',
values: (
'small': .5rem,
'large': 1.5rem,
screens: 'sm'
textDecoration: (
values: (
screens: (sm, md, lg)
Generating the classes .radius-small
Be specific, lighten your css
Specify the needed valueName from the needed screens and generate only the necessary rules.
@include ooCreate((
utilities: (
borderRadius: (
prefix: 'radius',
values: (
'small': .5rem,
'large': 1.5rem,
screens: (
sm: 'small',
lg: '✲' // Target all
Generating the classes .radius-small
Responsive value
Instead of using the screens property, set a responsive screen map to your utility value to modify it between the screen sizes.
@include ooCreate((
utilities: (
borderRadius: (
prefix: 'radius',
values: (
'small': (
rt: .25rem,
sm: .5rem,
md: 1rem,
'large': 1.5rem,
Generating the classes .radius-small
.radius-small { border-radius: .25rem !important }
@media (min-width: 37.5em) {
.radius-small { border-radius: .5rem !important }
@media (min-width: 60em) {
.radius-small { border-radius: 1rem !important }
.radius-large { border-radius: 1.5rem !important }